The Digital Atlas of Roman Sanctuaries in the Danubian Provinces (DAS)


Maps are the best tools for visualising big data, especially in the age of Google Maps and modern network studies. Numerous big projects focusing on Roman history are using already this surface to present their database also in form of maps, which help us to understand many specific details and local particularities of provinces or larger entities within the Roman Empire and beyond. There are fantastic maps focusing on global maps of the Graeco-Roman worldepigraphic material of the empire, the Roman cities and settlements, a map which compares ancient and medieval Europe,  the terra sigillata production sites, the amphorae and other pottery production sites, Roman economy and their sites and the Roman roads and networks. 

When it comes to Roman religion however, we are in a pretty bad situation. Although there are monumental projects focusing on mapping Roman sanctuaries and religious sites in GalliaItaly or Germaniae,  none of these projects has a digital map yet. Some projects are focusing on individual divinities or religious groups, such as the Isiac cults,  Mithras or early Christian communities. These new projects tries to visualise the monumental work and heritage of M. J. Vermaseren and the EPRO series, where numerous maps were also published focusing on individual divinities or small group religions.


The Digital Atlas of Roman Sanctuaries in the Danubian Provinces (DAS) is the first comprehensive digital  and open access representation of sacralised spaces from macro- and meso-spaces founded and maintained during the Principate in the territory of the Danubian provinces. The atlas is the result of the research grant focusing on Roman religious communication in the Danubian provinces. The major theoretical discussion regarding space sacralisation and religious communication related to these sites were published in the monograph of the project (Csaba Szabó, Roman religion in the Danubian provinces. Space sacralisation and religious communication during the Principate 1st-3rd century AD, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2022). 

The atlas presents approx. 280 archaeologically attested and several presumed or epigraphically attested sanctuaries in more than 400 items on an interactive and constantly changable, dynamic-living map (deep map). 

Technical details and legend

The digital atlas is based on a Google Mymap site. The searching engine of the Google Map allows endless possibilities of keywords, which will result the santuaries, divinities, personal or geographical names marked on the map too.

The map presents the limits of each province, a short historical description of each of the Danubian provinces. Each of the settlements, where sanctuaries were attested, have a vignette, a specific icon and a description based on the nature of the settlement (municipium/colonia / legionary fort, vicus militaris/auxiliary fort, bath-complex, mining settlement, cave). Each of these short descriptions mention the location, a short  history of research and an overall analysis of the votive / religious sources of the settlement. In most of the cases, the votive inscriptions are listed from the EDH with a shortlink. There is also a DARE link, although since 2020 the new tile map of the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire is not  functioning at the moment. In some cases, there will be links to various digital projects, such as the Lapidarium Musei Zilahensis-Pars Epigraphica, Biblioteca Digitala or the projects of the Each of the short settlement description has an essential bibliographic reference and in most of the cases photographs from open access sources. In most of the cases, there will be hyperlinks to digital databases, such as the Biblioteca Digitala.

The map contains 3 type of sacralised spaces: archaeologically attested (orange), epigraphically attested (purple) and presumed (blue). Each of the presented sanctuaries follows the same structure: location (in some cases with GPS data), dimensions, description, archaeological repertory and bibliography.  In some cases, the archaeological repertory is represented in few photos.



The Digital Atlas of Roman Sanctuaries

in the Danubian Provinces (DAS)

Bibliography for the atlas

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